
About Carolyn Ford

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So far Carolyn Ford has created 23 blog entries.

November 2022 Prayer Letter

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thank you for praying for us as Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole passed through Sebring! We lost electricity for 4 days with Ian’s visit, but Nicole settled down to a tropical storm by the time she reached us. We had little structural damage, just lots of wind; some downed trees & limbs; and some extra moisture in a few walls of apartments that got dried out using a dehumidifier…

Click here to read more of my 2022 Prayer Letter.

By |2022-12-17T22:32:30-07:00December 17, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on November 2022 Prayer Letter

September 2022 Prayer Letter

“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations… They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn – for he has done it.” Psa. 22:27-28, 31

Earlier this month at our semi-annual Bible and Missionary Conference, local pastor Dustin Woods pointed out that Israelite boys memorized the whole book of Deuteronomy and many other Scriptures before the age of 12. It makes sense that they would also memorize many of the psalms, since that was their hymnbook…

Click here to read more of my September 2022 Prayer Letter.

By |2022-12-17T22:31:16-07:00December 17, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on September 2022 Prayer Letter

Summer Plans

All the Old Testament prophets gave a clear witness for Jesus, pointing to the promised Messiah. We worship Him because He is God. If we want to be useful for God’s kingdom, we need to give a clear witness for Jesus. We can tell others what He has done for us and for them.

Matt completed a 2-week training course for Bible translation consultants in May. He will get practical experience for two weeks in July, doing a consultant check of another translation team’s work. I will be there as his mentor. Please ask God to grow all of us through this endeavor.

Click here to read the rest of my June Prayer Letter.

By |2017-06-09T16:25:52-07:00June 9, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summer Plans

August 2016 – Checking Kafa Ezekiel


 “How strong and courageous will you be in my day of reckoning?”
Ezekiel 22:14a

I am still in Ethiopia, and we are still pushing to complete the consultant check of Kafa Ezekiel. One of the most difficult features of Ezekiel is embedded speech, sometimes up to 4 or 5 levels. In the Kafa language, each level of speech requires a form of the verb “to say” at the end of thequotation. God’s message through Ezekiel speaks to the issues we face today as our culture pushes us toward godlessness. May we live in reverent obedience to Him, knowing there will be a day of reckoning.

Matt graduated from Africa International University with a Master’s in Biblical Translation on July 2nd. His research gave us a basis for planning promotion of Kafa Scripture use. Praise God!

On August 2nd, we met with two SIM Ethiopia leaders to discuss how the Kafa team can promote use of the Kafa Scriptures. One leader offered to work with Matt and Teka in preparing a project proposal which includes Scripture use promotion. Praise God! We also met informally with Wycliffe Ethiopia, part of Wycliffe Global Alliance. They are eager to partner with us in promoting the use of the Kafa Scriptures. Please pray for wisdom, unity, and effective ministry in all of this.

The Kafa Genesis Diglot (Kafa text in one column, English in the other) has been printed. We are delighted with the work of SIM Press in producing such a beautiful book. Teka posted it on Facebook, and within agenesis-diglot-817 few minutes Kafa young people were asking, “Where can I get a copy?”

 Praise God with us for:

  • Matt’s graduation with a Master’s in Biblical Translation;
  • safe travel, including a trip to Matt’s home church in Kafa;
  • the Kafa Genesis Diglot and enthusiasm with which it is being received;
  • good meetings resulting in clearer vision and surer hope for promoting Kafa Scripture use;
  • God’s provision of a good, though temporary, place for Abby and family to live when they had to move from their rented quarters.

Please pray with me for:

  • completion of the consultant check of Kafa Ezekiel and my return to the US in late August;
  • planning and implementation of a Kafa Scripture use program;
  • funds to complete the Kafa Bible and promote its use;
  • God’s provision of a more permanent place for Abby and family to live;
  • the people and leaders of Ethiopia – that the more than eighty diverse people groups will work together for the benefit of the nation and all of its people.

Thank you for your partnership to bring God’s Word to the Kafa people in their heart language!

In His strength,2016-08-03-prayer-team-in-childrens-ministry-office-85446

Carolyn Ford

Weekly prayer meeting: Teka and Matt on far left with Daniel between; Kurt, who typeset Kafa Genesis diglot, 2nd from right.

SIM USA, PO Box 7900, Charlotte NC  28241-7900


By |2016-09-20T06:58:23-07:00September 20, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on August 2016 – Checking Kafa Ezekiel
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